PHONEOffice Phone507-836-8114Fax507-836-6462Our House Phone507-836-6439On-call Nurse Line507-369-6588
ADDRESSHospice of Murray CountyPhysical Address36 Park DriveSlayton, MN 56172Mailing AddressPO Box 86Slayton, MN 56172(see map below)
EMAILHeather EngelkesBusiness Managerheather.engelkes@hospiceofmurraycounty.comMarti EngelkesSocial Worker/Administratormarti.engelkes@hospiceofmurraycounty.comAppointments and consultations are welcome during office hours.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Office Hours8am to 4pm; Monday through Friday.
Hospice of Murray County is a free-standing, community-based, non-profit organization located in Slayton, Minnesota. We are proud to serve Southwest Minnesota with hospice care services in a variety of settings.
PHONEOffice Phone507-836-8114Fax507-836-6462Our House Phone507-836-6439On-call Nurse Line507-369-6588
ADDRESSHospice of Murray CountyPhysical Address36 Park DriveSlayton, MN 56172Mailing AddressPO Box 86Slayton, MN 56172(see map below)
EMAILHeather EngelkesBusiness Manager heather.engelkes@hospiceofmurraycounty.comMarti EngelkesSocial Worker/Administratormarti.engelkes@hospiceofmurraycounty.comAppointments and consultations are welcome during office hours.-----------------------------------------------------------------------Office Hours8am to 4pm; Monday through Friday.
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Hospice of Murray County is a free-standing, community-based, non-profit organization located in Slayton, Minnesota. We are proud to serve Southwest Minnesota with hospice care services in a variety of settings.